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Alexander Solzhenitsyn & The Gulag Archipelago

The video is about Alexander Solzhenitsyn.  He was a Soviet dissident, and the author of a book entitled: “The Gulag Archipelago”.  (yes, that is where the term “gulag” comes from)

His book documents the experience of living under the Russian experiment to implement Karl Marx’s ideas on Socialism and Communism.

This book is probably the most important book written in the last 500 years.  The Bolshevik Revolution and the resulting 70 year experiment with full implementation of socialism/communism is without a doubt one of the two most important historical events in the last 500 years.  

A fundamental tenant of communism is the elimination of God.  The result:  200 million humans slaughtered globally over a roughly 70 year span.   Human history has never seen anything like it.  And yet, we have people wanting to implement this system here in the United States.

“A simple separate person is not contained between his hat and his boots.”

―   Walt Whitman

In direct violation of Walt Whitman’s observation, communism/socialism attempts to define human beings into mere factors of production.  Joe has more stuff than Jane.  Therefore, let’s take Joe’s stuff and give it to Jane.

The organizing principle is theft and envy cloaked in righteousness.

Theft and envy had always been with us.  But what made the 20th century uniquely dangerous is the “cloaked in righteousness” part.

Because if I am convinced that you are literally against humanity, then I am justified in doing anything I want to destroy you.  When you hear terms like: “by any means necessary” you’ve entered the leftist zone and you need to run quickly.And this is why fundamentally socialism/communism can never work.  It is in direct violation of moral law, and will result in death and destruction whenever and wherever it is implemented.

In future “rants” we will explore why the left gravitates always towards hostility to religion and morality.

How to Vote with Your Brain; Not Your Emotions

Most people simply vote for the candidate that belongs to the party that their family has always voted for.  My family is Democrat, or my family is Republican.  So that’s how I vote.

Now, my family always voted democrat so of course that’s the way I voted at first.  But then around the age of 25 I started to think that this is a silly way to cast a vote.

It’s no different from people who vote for someone because they like the way they look, or they like their hair style, of they like the manner of their speech.  Or worst of all, because it’s the cool thing to do or that’s what my friends are doing.

Think if you were a football coach and you selected your starting quarterback based on his good looks, and he is your best friend’s son.  You would lose a lot of games and be out of a job in a hurry.

But that is exactly what people do when voting for presidents, senators, or congressman.

If you’re a football coach, you have a list of criteria that you use to determine what makes up an ideal quarterback.  What is his arm strengths?  How accurate is he as a passer?  What does his mobility look like?  Is he tall enough to see over the line?  Is he durable?  

Those are real criteria that will help you assess this person’s potential to help your team win.  Those are criteria that really matter.

That same logic ought to apply when you are selecting a president, senator, or congressman.  The key then is this:  what is the best criteria to use to make the assessment?

In my view there are three areas that you have to consider when voting for a candidate at the national level.  (President, Senators, and Congressman)  They are as follows and in order of importance:  Morality, Economics, and Defense.

Let me walk you through each area with some thoughts and rationale on each of them.

A)  Morality

Freedom and morality go hand in hand.  An immoral society can’t long remain free.  A free man can’t be immoral.  The two are simply incompatible.  For a free society to work, the majority of the people have to be willing to do the right thing when nobody is looking.  This is why morality if first.  (If we are immoral our economics system will fail.  If we are immoral, why bother with defense?  What are we fighting for?)

If this is not true, then the government has to put a policeman on every corner, and in every household.  Then you are no longer free. Perhaps an example will help to illustrate this:  At our local grocery store, there are no guards, and there are literally hundreds of shoppers for every store employee.  It would be very easy to steal from that store.

So how can this store stay in business?  The reason is that the vast majority of the people are moral.  That is, they won’t steal. I think the national data on theft in retail stores is around 3%.  Now on the one hand that’s a real problem for the industry.  On the other hand that means that 97% of the time the run of the mill customer is honest.  That’s a remarkable testament to the morality of the country.  (even now!!)

Why do people hold the door open for elderly people?  Why do you stop at a crosswalk to let the kids cross the street when you’re driving?  Why do you help someone carry a heavy bag when you see they need an assist?  It’s because it’s the moral thing to do.   This morality just doesn’t happen of its own accord.  It must be nourished and cultivated.  The infrastructure that supports morality in this country are churches and religiosity. Back to voting:  For the reasons given above, for a candidate for president to receive my vote he/she has to demonstrate that they are better than the competing candidate at supporting the institutions that support morality.   From the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Our basic foundational document states that we have an unalienable right to life.  A candidate that would deny that to the most vulnerable of our citizens cannot get my vote.

Publicly supports religion, Publicly support prayer, Publicly pray, Anti-abortion, Defend churches against verbal and physical attack, Protect the churches tax exempt status, Support the churches role in helping the sick, the orphaned, the infirm, and the elderly, Support the churches role in moral foundational development, Support the churches role in helping people on her  own terms.  (not forcing politically correct positions on her like forcing her hospitals to do abortions, forcing her adoption services to adopt out to gay couples, etc)

B)  Economics:

For a candidate to receive my vote, he/she must be supportive of free market economics and small government.  

The easiest way to assess this is as follows:  Do their policies result in an increase in taxes and regulations?  If the answer is yes to either of these, this person is a socialist and must be avoided at all costs.

The more taxes increase, the less private citizens have to start businesses, hire people for those businesses, and purchase things that support those businesses.  As your taxes approach 50%, 60%, 70%, you gradually approach slavery.  What is the difference between a slave and a person paying 100% in taxes?  Answer:  nothing at all.

The end game of socialism IS communism.  Communism is simply slavery without an individual as your owner.  Your owner is the government.  Actually, communism is worse than old school slavery.  In old school slavery you had an incentive to not kill your slave, because he was a valuable asset to you.  Killing your slave would be like burning money.  Under communism you have no value to ANYONE, since you belong to EVERYONE.  This probably explains why communists were willing to kill over 100 million people in the 20th century.  To quote Uncle Joe Stalin:  “you gotta crack some eggs to make some omelettes”.  Nice guy that Joe.

C)  Defense

Finally, the candidate must be pro defense.  The most fundamental duty of a government is to protect its citizens.  Therefore, the candidate must be willing to protect the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Let’s start with domestic: *  Is this candidate supportive of the local police?*  Is this candidate pro law and order?*  Is this candidate about enforcing the laws that are placed on the books via our elected representatives?*  Does this candidate pick and choose which laws he/she will enforce?*  Does this candidate enforce our borders?*  Does this candidate support legal immigration? Let’s move to foreign: *  Does this candidate support America?*  Does this candidate ask our allies to pay their way?  (NATO)*  Does this candidate support reciprocal free trade? (China)*  Does this candidate support treaties that cause jobs to flow into the United States?*  Does this candidate support sensible growing budgets for national defense?*  Will this candidate call an enemy an enemy?  (Reagan called the USSR “Evil”.  Will a current candidate call our current existential enemy,   China “evil?”) Now kiddos, you don’t have to use my framework.  But you need to have a framework of some kind.  Don’t walk around voting with your emotions. Emotions come and go and blow in the wind.  Vote with principles.  Principles never change.  Theft was wrong in 3,000 BC, 1067, 1843 and now.  If you relabel “theft” and call it “socialism” guess what?  It’s still wrong in 2020! Next:  The fallacious statement:  I’m a “fiscal conservative”, and a “social liberal”

What’s Truthification (Maskirova & Sun Tzu Art of War)

(The Soviets call it “Maskirova”; Sun Tzu’s famous military strategy book “The Art of War” addresses this deception.

Some of you may doubt that this is what’s happening in the press and with our current politicians.

See the attached video.  You will hear directly from Nancy Pelosi’s mouth how they are executing “maskirovka” on the US population.

It’s disgusting, and I know you don’t want to believe people in this country in leadership position would do this.

Bad news sports fans:  they can, they have, they are, and they will continue to do so.

Watch what they say, but always, always, always, look at what they do and the actual result.

The actual result is what they actually want.

Remember, these people are not dumb.  They may be evil, they may be mean, but there is no way you get to those positions of power by being dumb.

When it comes to what they want….ultimately power and money…..they are very, very good at getting that.

Watch and learn……

The Capital Hill Autonomous Zone

About thirty years ago a great judge named Robert Bork wrote a book entitled: “Slouching Towards Gomorrah”.  In his book he was lamenting the decline in civilization among the baby boomers and their offspring.

He died several years ago.  I’m sure he is observing current events and saying to himself, “I told you so!!” Seattle is the latest progressive/Democrat run city to make the news. Seattle is an excellent example of the fact that the visigoths are at the gates.  And we are indeed on the doorsteps of Gomorrah. The hallmark of ever Democrat/progressive city is an unwillingness to enforce the basic rules that govern western civilization.  The daily physical manifestation of this is the allowing of people who obviously can’t take care of themselves to sleep outside and live in the streets.  San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and Los Angeles have city centers that have become absolutely disgusting.  Needles, booze bottles, human feces, and rats literally run wild.  Charles Dickens would be impressed.

And these people claim to be pro-helping people.  But they will step over a homeless guy in a heartbeat to get to the nearest Starbucks to get their triple machiatto, double shot and pay $6 for it!!   The left lives in the fantasy that people can survive without rules.  Do whatever you want, whenever you want.  Don’t worry about consequences.  In fact our governmental policy is to shield you from those consequences.  If you even talk about consequences, then you’re a right wing nut job, or worse yet…..hold your breath….a CHRISTIAN!!  (curse of curses)

The reason for the full throated hatred of Christians is primarily because we are required to inform you of the consequences.  Unlike other religions, we don’t tell people you must do this or you must do that.  We simply say you should do this or you should do that.  And if you don’t, here are the consequences.  And progressives HATE that passionately.  I almost think they would prefer it if Christianity behaved like Islam.  Which says you must do this and if you don’t we’re cutting off your head.

Back to Seattle and the Autonomous Zone.  The great thing about this event is that it will give the nation a great look into what happens when you allow the progressives to run things.  It’s all fantasy.  We can create heaven on earth if you let us implement a system with no rules.  You can already see the chaos.  Massive graffiti, homelessness through the roof in their encampment, and they are already after two days asking for outside assistance for food.  Their commune is failing after only three days.  At least the Soviet Union lasted 40 years!! The appalling thing about this event is not so much that you have young fools running this operation.  The appalling thing is the so-called grown ups who run Seattle and other cities who allow this to happen.  How you get over 30 years old and not understand that progressivism can’t work is amazing to me.  It is a philosophy that simply doesn’t square with human nature. We’ve built the greatest civilization in human history.  People in the United States enjoy the best life style from a physical comfort perspective in 6,000 years of human history.  The first superpower in world history that has not sought out conquest over other countries.  A country that helped Europe end WWI and WWII and DID NOT expand its geography to do it.  A country that gave The Phillipines back to the Filipinos.  A country that defeated Japan and gave Japan back to the Japanese.  The Russians didn’t give Poland back to the Poles.  Or Lithuania back to the Lithuanians.  Or East Germany back to the East Germans.  Only the United States has done this. Inventions?  Cell phones, computers, mass production of the affordable automobile, refrigeration, railroads, mass air transportation and the invention of air travel, lighting, low cost razor blades, the cotton gin, the combine, space exploration, open heart surgery, penicillin, eradication of polio, farming techniques to produce inexpensive food, and the harnessing of nuclear energy.  This obviously is a very, very short list.

Just what exactly are these progressives railing against?  And just what do they intend to replace the United States civilization with that will be so much better? They make constant criticism against the United States because they are completely ignorant around what we were like 50 years ago.  So they have no knowledge of just how far we’ve come. They also make no comparison to what life is like in the rest of the world. Here is your measuring stick:  people vote with their feet.  They leave terrible places to go to places that are better. For over 200 years people have taken tremendous risks to come to this country.  They flee the progressive paradises of Russia, Central America, Africa, Mexico, and yes, even Europe because this is one of the only places on earth where a man or woman can come and change their economic station in life.  You can become an American by taking an oath to defend the constitution and follow our laws.  That’s it.  You can’t become a Frenchman.  You can’t become Japanese.  You can’t become Korean.  You can’t become British.  You are what you are and you are born into those cultures.  Only in the United States can you become who you want to be. Is it perfect?  Of course not.  But the question is this:  how does it compare to the rest of the world? The answer is that there is no comparison. So, should we work to make very good great?  Absolutely. Should we tear down very good and start from scratch?  Absolutely not. At the end of the day, that is what progressivism is about.  Destroy what works and replace it with something we KNOW doesn’t work. You don’t have to go to the Soviet Union, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, or Central America  to learn this. All you have to do is go to Baltimore, St. Louis, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. What you get is chaos, riots, urine in the streets. You get Gomorrah as predicted by Judge Bork 30 years ago.

Understanding Race Relations

Here are some of my favorite movies of all time regarding race relations in the United States.  You can recommend that they watch these movies.  You guys will remember that we’ve watched all of these by now.  Then you can discuss them with your friends.  (you might even have a movie night and watch them together!!)

They are inspirational, every one of them.  Some are older, some are newer.  But I think your friends will LOVE these movies!!

You’ll notice a lot of these were made a very long time ago.  That’s because the quality was a whole lot better then!!  Better dialogue, REAL actors who could act!!  (Sidney Portier, Gregory Peck, etc)

Here goes:

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner”  1967Stars:  Sidney Portier, Katherine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Beah Richards, Isabel SanfordDude:  The greatest race relations movie of all time.  Bar none.  Watch this asap!!  Powerful, powerful stuff

Glory 1989Stars:  Mathew Broderick, Denzel Washington, Morgan FreemanMy 2nd favorite race relations movie of all time.  This is about the Massachusetts 54th Regiment during the Civil War.  (I bet you even money your wife is crying by the end of this one!!)

Amazing Grace 2006

William Wilberforce (yes, Wilberforce University……THAT guy) was a slave ship captain.  The story runs through his experiences as a slave ship captain, conversion to Christianity, and him becoming one of the nation’s greatest abolitionists.  The religious song “amazing grace” was I believe written by him and caused by his experiences as a “slaver”.  Powerful, powerful movie!! 

Amistad 1997Stars:  Morgan Freeman, Anthony Hopkins, Matthew McConaughey True story about a slave ship that was taken over by the slaves and captured in US territorial waters.  It was a slave ship that belonged to another country, so it resulted in a constitutional issue that was ultimately decided by the US Supreme Court in 1841.  Powerful implications for the recognition of slaves as men within the United States.  

Lillies of the Field 1963Stars:  Sidney PortierStory about German nuns seeking assistance to build a church in the desert in Arizona.  A black handyman comes along and the nuns ultimately succeed in persuading him to build their church.  Wow…….they don’t make them like this anymore!!

The Defiant Ones 1958Stars:  Tony Curtis and Sidney PortierStory about two prisoners who escape from prison.  One black and one white.  They are shackled together.  So they have to overcome their mutual hatred for the race of the other to cooperate to have a successful escape.  Wow…anther wow movie!!

Roots 1979Stars:  It’s a long  list  because  everyone  wanted  to  be  in  this  movie.  Check  out  this  roster.   You’ll  recognize  a lot  of  famous  actors

It’s a multi generational story running from the capture of the slave Kunta Kinte in West Africa through his descendants through the 1930’s.WOW…wow….wow….awesome acting, awesome story, awesome soundtrack.  

To Kill a Mockingbird  1962Stars:  Gregory PeckBottom line:  You should watch EVERY Gregory Peck movie you can.  Maybe the greatest actor of all time.  This one is about a lawyer defending a kid in a capital case in the south.  Black kid accused of killing a white person.  Wow…wow…wow…..

Mississippi Burning  1988About three boys from the North, one black, one Jewish, and one white who travel from the North to the South to help with blacks getting the vote.  They are murdered by the Klan, and the Kennedy Administration has to get involved to get justice.  True story…wow…wow…wow

Brian’s Song  1972Probably the biggest tear jerker on the  list. True Story about Running Backs Gale Sayers and Brian Piccolo.  They played for the Bears in the mid 1960’s.  Things were very segregated then, so the coach had the two of them become roomates.  Brian was white, Gayle was black.  This just wasn’t done then.  When I was a kid I LOVED this movie!!!  True story.  wow!

Imitation of Life  1959This is probably the most cold blooded movie on the list.Plot:  Black maid has a daughter who can “pass” for white.So she gets a look at life if she is white, and a look at life is she is black.She makes the rational choice to be white.But this has the unfortunate problem of meaning she has to disown her own……tear jerker baby!!!  (and this stuff really happened a lot back then!!)

Blazing Saddles  1974OK:  This one is a comedy.  It’s the ONLY comedy I put on the list.But it IS the greatest comedy of all time.  Mel Brooks is the greatest comedian movie director of all time.This one breaks all the rules.  You couldn’t make this movie today.  Break up the seriousness of the rest of the list.  Watch this one and die laughing!!

Sun Tszu & The Art of War & Soviet Maskirovka

Military strategist Sun Tzu lived in about 500 BC, and wrote the book entitled: “The Art of War”.  This book so effectively sets forth military strategy that it is the #1 or #2 book read by military officers the world over.  Not bad for a book written over 2,000 years ago. Consider the following passage from his book:

  • 道也。故能而示之不能,用而示之不用,近而示之遠,遠而示之近,

    • All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.

Then consider the Russian equivalent to Sun Tzu in the 20th century.  The term they use for massive deception is “Maskirovka”.   Russian military deception, sometimes known as maskirovka (Russian: маскировка, lit. ‘disguise’), is a military doctrine developed from the start of the twentieth century. The doctrine covers a broad range of measures for military deception, from camouflage to denial and deception. 

So dad, what does this have to do with current events?  Well, in fact everything.

Consider this:  At the tactical level, organizations like “Antifa” and “Black Lives Matter” profess to be in favor of helping the “common man” or in favor of helping Black Americans.

But when you evaluate the tactics that they employ there is no logical connection between the actions they take and the objectives they profess.  They’ve taken a page right out of Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”, and Soviet “Maskirovka”.

No logical person would conclude that defunding the police, defacing and destroying property in black communities, burning down vital businesses that employ these people, and destroying iconic statues would result in an improvement in the lives of poor people or blacks.  It’s simply not logical.

Therefore, a rational person would have to conclude that the  stated objective is not the  true objective.  Therein lies the “maskirovka”.

To find the nature of the true objective you have to look at the  results of the actions that they are employing.  The results of those actions will lead you to the true objective.

Here are the tactics employed by the left in the last 4 years:

*  fomenting rioting in major cities*  calling for reductions in police in areas that clearly need an increase in police presence*  state and municipal leaders allowing mobs to destroy icons vital to the nation’s core beliefs*  a constant stream of unsubstantiated accusations against the current president (including impeachment w/virtually no evidence)*  unwillingness to enforce basic rule of law*  consistent lying about the nature of the covid virus.  Deliberately taking actions to shut down the economy without justification*  A constant attack on the moral legitimacy of the nation’s founding*  consistent messaging designed to divide the country into competing interest groups.  (gays, straights, religious, non religious, blacks,    whites, etc)*  support of divisive actions at every opportunity.  (no pledge of allegiance in classrooms, no national anthem at games, “group” national   anthems like the “black national anthem” etc.)*  support of open borders for the express purpose of placing greater pressure on the underclass, and straining the nation’s ability to    acculturate the newly immigrated.  (furthering a sense of competing groups and more divisiveness)

These actions are designed to lead towards an economic recession or depression, a sense of division, and a sense of panic among the general population.  At bottom, to denigrate the nation’s moral legitimacy.  

The objective is to cause the population to cry out for increased government intervention as the only answer to these seemingly recalcitrant problems.  In fact to soften the country to accept a “transformation” to a new form of government.

Of course, the end game is to get the population to ask for enslavement as the answer.  They don’t call it slavery because no one would willingly accept slavery.  Instead they call it “socialism”.  (which eventually leads to communism)

How is a slave different from a communist?  A southern slave in the 18th century was effectively taxed at 100%.  An American communist will be taxed at 100% also.

Actually, an 18th century American slave will be better off than a 21st century American communist.  We know from the American slave experience that masters rarely killed their slaves because a slave had economic value.  We know from the Russian experience that a Russian slave (citizen) had zero value because no one had ownership.  Therefore, it was easy for that government to kill 50-100 million citizens over an 80 year period.

Now the average “joe lefty” in your peer group is not operating at the “strategic level”.  They are operating at the tactical level.  They are running on emotion.  These are the people you see holding “BLM” signs on corners.

When you engage with them, you have to confront them non-emotionally.

Basic questions will suffice:  “how does destroying public property and businesses in black communities help black people?”  Or, “how does destroying statues of George Washington help the black community?”  Or, “how does taking a knee during the national anthem help black people?”

It’s simply not logical.  Most will be too proud to admit this to your face.  But your job is NOT to win an argument.  Your job is to MAKE THEM STOP AND THINK.  It’s also to help them understand that it’s OK to disagree with the popular line.

Many of them have an uncomfortable gnawing feeling deep down inside that something isn’t right with this stuff.

The old fashioned term for that was a “conscious”.  C.S. Lewis called it the voice of God.

Your job is to get them to stop and listen to that voice.  Not to win an argument.

Finally, don’t buy the “maskirovka”.  Don’t believe me either.  Use your own brain, think about what you’re seeing and determine if it passes the logic test.


Real Motives of the Left Exposed

The writing below is by a great author.  The three videos are excellent. It will give you great insight into the strategy being employed by the left to change America into the old USSR. It’s brilliant and it’s working. They (Marxists) have played the long game very well.  Take over the school systems and indoctrinate the youths with the insane ideology of immorality, lawlessness, and communism.  Then 25-30 years later the fruit is ripe to be picked. The generation before us would never have fallen for this.  It was a Christian and moral society that understood what America was about.  But their kids, who they turned over to a corrupt public and university system have been indoctrinated in the ideology of the left for 20 years. It will be very difficult to turn that around in a short period of time. But I’m talking too much.  Read and watch the videos below.  They are excellent!!  (especially the one entitled “warning from the past”) Dad

Another compilation.  Thx to KM, SA, LS, RH, JM… 

Reveals real BLM motive…  

and this…

 A warning from the past that’s clearly prophetic…

Excellent read:

Do you really think the “PROTESTS”that are going on now are because of the man killed in Minneapolis ?

 Ever wonder why protests and demonstrations get started almost immediately after some announcement by the Trump Administration?  How anti-gun marches get set up so quickly after a school shooting?  Huge marches on Washington DC are organized so quickly?    Read this and you’ll know why……..

The Enemy Amongst Us!! By Charles Krauthammer,

Oct 11, 2017  An article from the New York Post:    I do not understand how living in a country with its democracy established over 200 years ago, and now, for the first time in history, suddenly we have one of our former presidents set up a group called “Organizing for Action” (OFA).  OFA is 30,000+ strong and working to disrupt everything that our current president’s administration is trying to do. This organization goes against our Democracy, and it is an operation that will destroy our way of governing. It goes against our Constitution, our laws, and the processes established over 200 years ago. If it is allowed to proceed then we will be living in chaos very much like third world countries are run. What good is it to have an established government if it is not going to be respected and allowed to follow our laws? If you had an army some 30,000 strong and a court system stacked over the decades with judges who would allow you to break the laws, how much damage could you do to a country? We are about to find out in America! Our ex-president said he was going to stay involved through community organizing and speak out on the issues and that appears to be one post-administration promise he intends to keep. He has moved many of his administration’s top dogs over to Organizing for Action. OFA is behind the strategic and tactical implementation of the resistance to the Trump Administration that we are seeing across America, and politically active courts are providing the leverage for this revolution. OFA is dedicated to organizing communities for “progressive” change… Its issues are gun control, socialist healthcare, abortion, sexual equality, climate change, and of course, immigration reform. OFA members were propped up by the ex-president’s message from the shadows: “Organizing is the building block of everything great we have accomplished. Organizers around the country are fighting for change in their communities and OFA is one of the groups on the front lines. Commit to this work in 2017 and beyond.” OFA’s website says it obtained its “digital” assets from the ex-president’s re-election effort and that he inspired the movement. In short, it is the shadow government organization aimed at resisting and tearing down the Constitutional Republic we know as AMERICA. Paul Sperry, writing for the New York Post, says, “The OFA will fight President Donald Trump at every turn of his presidency and the ex-president will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.”  Sperry writes that, “The ex-president is setting up a shadow government to sabotage the Trump administration through a network of non-profits led by OFA, which is growing its war chest (more than $40 million) and has some 250 offices nationwide. The OFA IRS filings, according to Sperry, indicate that the OFA has 32,525 (and growing) volunteers nationwide. The ex-president and his ‘wife’ will oversee the operation from their home/office in Washington DC. Think about how this works. For example: Trump issues an immigration executive order; the OFA signals for protests and statements from pro-immigrant groups; the ACLU lawyers file lawsuits in jurisdictions where activist judges obstruct the laws; volunteers are called to protest at airports and Congressional town hall meetings; the leftist media springs to action in support of these activities; the twitter sphere lights up with social media; and violence follows. All of this happens from the ex-president’s signal that he is heartened by the protests. If this does not scare you, then we are in worse trouble than you know. We are losing our country and we are so compliant. We are becoming a “PERFECT TARGET” for our enemy! Editor’s comments: Krauthammer is about the best and brightest journalist and political analyst we have, in my opinion. His words of warning in the above message should be taken seriously and spread throughout the country so as many of our citizens as possible are made aware of what is happening right now.

On American Exceptionalism

This time we’re going to talk about American Exceptionalism.

This article is geared towards helping you address your black and minority friends.

But it can be useful for your white liberal friends who think they are helping blacks by being socialist/communist/democratic party.  (at this point, those terms are interchangeable)

We’re going to talk about the greatest civilization ever created in the history of mankind.

Yes, that country is the United States of America.

The only country in history founded on the proposition that all men are created equal, endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The only country in the history of the world where you don’t have to be a certain race, color, or creed.

The only country in history to fight a civil war and lose 600,000 of its citizens to enforce this proposition.

One of only two countries in the history of the world to send its Navy out to destroy slave ships.  (the other being Great Britain)

What other country in the world has produced black writers like Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, James Baldwin, and Ralph Ellison?

Or musicians like Ray Charles, Duke Ellington, Aretha Franklin, Dizzy Gillespie, or Ella Fitzgerald?

Or black inventors/businessmen like Madam CJ Walker, George Washington Carver, Elijah McCoy, and Benjamin Banneker?

Black philosophers and civil rights pioneers such as Frederick Douglas, Sojourner Truth, Booker T. Washington, and Harriet Tubman were not fighting to destroy the greatest country ever developed by mankind.

They were fighting for the country to live up to its lofty objectives set forth in the Declaration of Independence.

They were fighting for equal participation in this great project.

Which by the way, no other country ever set forth this proposition and certainly have made no effort make the dream come true.

Only in America was the proposition made in the first place.  And only in America has a tremendous amount of progress been made towards realizing that proposition.

When I think about the Black Americans who have fought and in many cases died working to get this country to live up the principles of its founding documents, I am overwhelmed.

I think about the men of the Massachusetts 54th in the Civil War, the Tuskegee Airman of WWII, and of General Benjamin O. Davis Jr.

I think about the 369th Infantry Regiment, known as the “Harlem Hellfighters” and the exploits of Henry Johnson.

I think about the 761st Tank Battalion known as Patton’s Panthers and Staff Sgt. Ruben Rivers.

I think about my father who served in WWII and in Korea.

I think about my uncles who served in WWII, Korea, and cousins who went to Vietnam.

All with the purpose to cause this country to live up to its founding promise.

That promissory note:  As Martin Luther King used to call it….you know that famous proposition that all men are created equal.

Then when I see some clown like Colin Kaepernick taking a knee not just on the United States, not just on America in general, but specifically he is taking a knee on what these black Americans fought for.  How immature, selfish, and inconsiderate can you be?

So I have a message for all the snotty nosed, unappreciative brats running around tearing up statues.

That message is this:  I took an oath at one time to defend the constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Myself and many others considered that a life time oath.  Not just an oath to be carried out while we were in the military.

When I took that oath, I was thinking about the people I mentioned above.  Inherent within that oath is a sacred duty to God, Family, and Country.

It is preferable that the battle be joined in the realm of ideas.  But if need be, it may be a call to arms.

And unlike your predecessors in other socialist utopias you’ve created, the citizens here are armed.  And therefore, they can’t be rolled over like Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Stalin’s Soviet Union, Castro’s Cuba, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, Romania’s Nicolae Ceausescu, China’s Mao Tse Tung, and North Korea’s Kim Jong Il.

Ray Charles captures best our emotions in his amazing rendition of “America the Beautiful”. 

Ray Charles:  “America the Beautiful”

Let’s make something together.

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