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I Love the USA

 I was born in 1960 in the Pacific Northwest. My parents are Black Americans and my maternal great grandparents were Choctaw Indians. My paternal lineage are Black Americans who hail from central Louisiana and my parents migrated to the Pacific Northwest to follow the ship building jobs during WWII and military assignments to Ft. Lewis, Washington. My father and almost every one of my eight uncles fought in WWII and the Korean War, and my brother was in the Navy for the Vietnam conflict. I was an Air Force Captain in the 1980’s. I hold a BA in Marketing and an MBA in Business Administration. I worked in medical sales for about 20 years and have owned two different businesses. I have lived all of my life in equal parts in Oregon, Washington, and California and traveled extensively within the United States. When I was in elementary school, I was one of those kids who was bused out in the early 1970’s to white suburbia. I was raised Southern Baptist from birth and then converted to Catholicism in 1999. I grew up in a home where church every Sunday was mandatory and drifted away from my faith until I began to have children. I returned once I had children and realized that morality was foundational to their development and church is where the teaching of morality  is housed. 

My life’s philosophy is as follows:
For a society to maintain freedom, there are certain foundational principles that must be maintained.

Those foundational principles are as follows:
a)  We owe a duty to God.  Man is a moral being, and central to morality is a belief in a higher power.  Without morality, man sinks into the abyss of chaos, selfishness, and violence.  The highest objective a man can strive to attain in this life is to lead a perfectly virtuous life.  Our standard bearer in this pursuit is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I believe our objective each day should be to be of more value to your fellow man than you were the day before.  Perfection is unattainable in this life, but it’s the  pursuit of perfection that makes life worthwhile.  The one disagreement I have with our Declaration of Independence is the “pursuit of happiness” phrase.  It should have been the pursuit of “moral perfection”.  What would our lives look like if our entire society ran on this principal?
Our churches serve as the repository for education around morality.  Therefore, for a free society to function, it is imperative that morality be maintained and that churches function at a very high level, free of interference from the government.

b)  We owe a duty to the family unit.  The family unit is the core structure for indoctrinating the young in the pursuit of morality.  When a child is born, from that moment on, the most important duty those parents have is to develop a moral human being.  They are born savages.  Meaning, a baby is born only caring for itself.  The greatest achievements in human history are those who grow from savages to those who literally put their lives on the line to save his/her fellow man – people like St. Joan of Arc, Florence Nightingale, the Massachusetts 54th Regiment, Oskar Schindler and Sir Thomas More come to mind.
Without a high functioning family unit to implement the principles set forth by the church, a constitutional republic will not long survive.

Think of it this way:  if a people are completely immoral you would have to put a policeman on every corner.  Yes, we have contracts and and laws providing recompense when either party fails to live up to its contract.  But this only works because the vast majority of the time the courts are NOT necessary.  Most of the time people live up to their agreements because most people are moral.  People slow down in school zones because it is moral, not just because the law says so.  People hold open doors for the elderly because they are moral.  There is no law saying you have to do this.  In 99% of this country you can walk around at midnight without an armed escort because the United States remains a moral country.  In most of the world YOU CANNOT DO THIS!  Most Americans take this simple ability completely for granted.  No morality, eventually no happiness can be pursued in the first place.

No morality, no constitutional republic.  No constitutional republic and we sink to the level of beasts.

c)  We owe a duty to the nation, the United States of America.  It is the first country founded on the principle that “all men are created equal and endowed by the creator with certain inalienable rights”.  This is a birth right handed down to us by individuals who took tremendous risks and often lost their lives to bring it to fruition.   She has served as a beacon and a role model for the rest of the world during her roughly 225 years of existence.  For those who would disagree with this statement I point to the one factoid that trumps all others:  immigration.  People have consistently voted for the United States with their feet.  They have endured concentration camps, swam rivers, hijacked boats, walked across deserts, left behind their languages, cultures, and family for the opportunity to be free.  
She is the last best hope for the planet for the maintenance of freedom.  Therefore our third duty is to the maintenance of the state that allows freedom of worship, pursuit of the moral life, and the family structure that provides a vehicle to promulgate that knowledge into the next generation.

Any actions or principles that are not in alignment with items “a”, “b”, and “c” I believe will eventually result in the destruction of us all.

If you were born before 1965, I maintain that you lived in a largely moral nation where what I am describing above did not need to be said.  We were surrounded by it and it was in our bones.  Obviously not everyone lived the moral life but society was not actively working against the moral life.  If you were born after that, you grew up in a different soup.
And for kids born after 1980, unless their parents made a determined effort to drive home morality, they simply didn’t get that education.

The duty therefore, for those of us born before 1965, is to make a determined effort before the sand in our hour glass runs out to leave behind the legacy that was provided to us.  We have failed miserably as a group relative to previous generations in this endeavor.
But it’s not too late.  To use a sports analogy, it’s definitely the 4th quarter, there is 10 minutes left in the game, the other side has the ball, and we’re behind by three touchdowns.
But we’ve come from behind before.  Honest Abe Lincoln was in an ugly contest vs. General McClellan in 1864.  The Confederacy had the Union on the run.  The North was war weary and tired of boys not coming home and losing battles on top of it.  If General Sherman had not taken Atlanta just before the election and then made Georgia “Howl”, McClellan would have surely won that election, slavery would have endured another generation, and there would be four countries in North America instead of three.

This election is of the same order of magnitude.  If Biden wins, we will be on a direct path to slavery.  Only this time it won’t be for blacks only.  Everyone will get to join us blacks in the slavery of communism which I maintain is far worse than 18th century slavery.

In American 18th century slavery, a master would rarely kill his slave because he had economic value in the marketplace.  Under 20th century Soviet communism, somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 million citizens perished.  Since the state owned them, in effect no one owned them.  Therefore killing them had no direct economic consequences to anyone.
It is my hope that this blog will help people to see the threat, and be motivated to engage in the debate.
The alternative is too horrible to contemplate.
Peace be with you…..
The Author 

Statue Of Liberty
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