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How to Reply to BLM Attacks

I just returned from visiting your grandmother.  Nothing like a bowl of Rocky Road Ice Cream with mom!!

While driving back, I had a chance to reflect on the conversation that we had earlier today on your white friend being attacked by a leftist BLM friend who was black.

Here is what I would communicate to them.  (share with them if you would like)

You ought not be intimidated by the name calling of these individuals.  Encased within every crisis is an opportunity and a learning experience.  When people behave like this they are showing you who they really are.  The mask is off.  Now you know without a doubt who are your friends, and who are your enemies.  As hard as it sounds, you have to actually be thankful that they behaved that way.  Now you don’t have to wonder about it.  These are people with whom you want to minimize contact.

If you do find yourself needing to engage with these monsters, here is how you can respond:  

“You don’t have a right to tell me what to think, do, or say.  If you want to kneel during the national anthem, then you are free to do that.  My dad took an oath as a military officer to defend your right to do exactly that.  But that same oath means you don’t get to tell me what to do, say, or think.

However, I have to admit that I am amazed that you are so willing to desecrate the flag that so many black Americans have died defending.  Crispus Attucks was the first American to die in the Revolutionary War.  A black man.

Frederick Douglas, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King, General Benjamin O. Davis, The Massachusetts 54th Regiment, The Tuskegee Airman, and Booker T. Washington were just a few of the legendary black leaders who either gave their lives or literally GAVE their lives in defense of that flag.

That you would be so ignorant of your own history and so willing to trounce on their legacy is appalling to me.  

You ought to be embarrassed that it took a white person to school you on this issue.

So you go ahead and crap on their legacy.  You go ahead and kneel on the flag that Doris Miller won the Silver Cross defending at Pearl Harbor.  You go ahead and desecrate the flag that Sgt Henry Johnson of the all black 369th Regiment (the Harlem Hellfighters) fought under in WWI.  You go ahead and insult the accomplishments of the Buffalo Soldiers.  

I find it ironic that I…a white person will stand up all day and all night to salute the sacrifices of my fellow black americans while you a black person will not.

One of the greatest black artists of all time, Ray Charles, sang perhaps the greatest tribute to this great nation in defense of what this country means to him and to me.  I have provided that link to you below.  If you have the courage to execute some self-reflection, I think you’ll find a different means to protest.

Ray represents the best in all of us.  I hope you’ll reconsider your position.

Peace,DonFor the “young ones”

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