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Evidence of God: A Christmas Epiphany

The cosmological argument supporting evidence for the existence of God basically informs us that something can't come from nothing. It also informs us that everything that exists, at some point began to exist. It is absolutely unscientific to believe otherwise. Therefore, whatever made space, time, and matter had to exist outside space, time, and matter because, if it exists inside space, matter, and time it would have had to create itself. And this is an impossibility since nothing can create itself. It also had to have the attributes of a sentient being to decide to create space, time, and matter. And, it had to be infinite because it is not bounded by space, time, and matter. It had to be a super mind. That super mind we call God.

Now science has caught up and proven beyond doubt that the universe began at the point of singularity and exploded into existence at a single moment in time. Astronomers have concluded that the universe has always been expanding, which if you just play it backwards long enough, means it had to expand from a single point. That is the point we call the singularity, where the entire universe was a single atom. And before that, nothing.

For about 6,000 years the only document written in human history that explained the creation in this fashion was Genesis chapter 1-28 of the Bible. I'm quite sure that this was predicted nowhere else in human recorded history. (But "fact check me" fellas. But I think I am correct)

Then consider the following biblical passages:

Genesis 1: 1-28: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." This is followed by a series of passages that all begin with the words: "God Said" and followed by the description of the creations to follow.

Epiphany: The "God Said" phrases demonstrate that the physical universe began as the Word. And words can only come from thoughts, or put another way, reason. Therefore, the super genius behind all space, matter, and time is pure reason itself.

John 1:14: "And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us"

Epiphany: In other words, again, pure reason. Space, time, and matter are a function of pure reason. God IS pure reason. Therefore, anything unreasonable cannot have come from God. To the degree that we lack the capacity to reason, we lack the capacity to know God. Correspondingly, the incapacity to reason is correlated with an inability to be virtuous. Virtue equals reason. Vice equals unreasonableness. Heaven equals pure reason. Hell equals pure unreasonableness.

Exodus 3:14 Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?” God said to Moses, “I AM who am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM' has sent me to you.’” Epiphany: This is one of the simplest and yet profound passages ever written. Think of the meaning of that name: "I AM". In that passage God is telling Moses that He is all that ever was, all that ever is, and all that ever will be. (As Muhammad Ali once famously said: "It ain't bragging if you can back it up!!") John 18:38: Pontius Pilate asks Jesus "What is truth?"

Epiphany: In perhaps the most delicious irony of all time, Pontius Pilate asks the Truth made flesh the question: "What is truth?" I mean literally "I AM" is standing right in front of him. Poor guy!!! I've said some embarrassing stuff in my life, but nothing on the magnitude of poor Pontius Pilate!!

Psalm 14:1: Only a fool says in his heart there is no God.

Epiphany: All of the above gives justification for Psalm 14:1. To conclude there is no God is the height of anti-reason. Since all existence is predicated on God, and God himself is pure reason, indeed only a fool would conclude there is no God.

Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

Epiphany: The meaning here is not that God made man to look like him. That is, a creature with two feet and two arms. The meaning here is that man is a sentient being like God. A thinking being capable of high reason. The proximity to God is correlated with a man's capacity and willingness to reason. One's distance from God is correlated with a man's distance and willful disregard for reason.

Thought itself is not bounded by space, time, or matter. Aristotle's thoughts are still with us even though he physically is long gone. Same for Abraham Lincoln, or everyone else for that matter. Since thought is not bound by space, time, or matter, and you are a sentient being, you also are not bound by space, time, or matter. Your body IS bound by space, time, and matter because it IS made up of matter. But your essence.......which is your mind.....IS manifestly NOT bound by time, space, or matter.

This explains why there is an afterlife that stretches into eternity and you get to select where you will spend it.

You will spend eternity either in immediate proximity to reason, a place we call heaven; or in quite distal proximity to reason, a place we call hell.

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